Entertaining To Watch

I was observing myself doing a morning exercise this morning, as though I was in a David Attenborough nature documentary.

Strange things we do really.

I bent one leg, and keeping the other straight, and pushing my chest out, I bent as far forward as I could go as I breathed out, and then, breathing in, back up again. And repeat that one ten times.

Looking in on myself as I did it, a smile reached my face. The craziness of it all. What strange paths of physics, chemistry, biology and evolution over billions of years, brought me to this place. Making strange movements in the dark of an early winter morning.

I get a buzz from watching a flock of flamingos marching in formation on the tv. Why do they do it? Or a troupe of monkeys performing acrobatics in the trees. Same with the antics of the creatures in our own back yards.

We are part of that whole scene. And most of the time we don’t even know what it all means.

But it’s Entertaining To Watch.

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